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flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 997人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF STRESS DISTRIBUTIONS IN FRP SIDE-BONDED   TO RC BEAMS FOR SHEAR STRENGTHENING   Extensive research has been conducted on the strengthening of reinforced concrete    (RC) beams

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 959人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Experimental Study on the Damage Evolution of Re-bar Concrete Interface   A new type of bond-slip test is developed in this study   Constitutive relationshipof bond is obtained for the test   FEA usin

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 906人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Experimental Study on the Damage Evolution of Rebar-Concrete Interface   In reinforced concrete structures, the bonding between concrete and steel bar is one    of the most important factors that enab

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 810人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Umdruck zur Vorlesung und ÜbungVerbundbau   共92页。   

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 2602人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis for a Prestressed Continuous Rigid Frame   Concrete Bridge   Bridges in China are always suffered from the overload traffic. So precise assessment   for the safety of

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 1303人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Nonlinear Finite Element Simulation for the Impact between Over-high   Truck and Bridge-Superstructure   According to statistic data supplied by relative departments, about half of the   bridge-supers

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 786人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Simulation for the Collapse of WTC after Aeroplane Impact   Mechanical simulation and parameter discussion for the collapse of WTC    (World Trade Center) after aeroplane impact are presented in this

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 1138人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

NUMERICAL MODELING OF FRP SHEAR STRENGTHENED RC BEAMS   USING COMPRESSION FIELD THEORY   The modified compression field theory and an advanced bond-slip model are implemented   in a general finite ele

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 1002人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Simulation for the Collapse of RC Frame Tall Buildings under Earthquake Disaster   China is a coun try that suffers a lot from the earthquake disaster. The major reason for   the human death and prope

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 989人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Numerical Simulation for the Progressive Collapse of Concrete Building due to Earthquake   Collapse is a critical ultimate state for buildings under earthquake. Though collapse should    theoretically

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-16 1000人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Nonlinear FE Model for RC Shear Walls Based on Multi-layer Shell Element   and Microplane Constitutive Model   Nonlinear simulations for structures under disasters have been widely focused on    in re

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-16  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-15 1130人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Application of Fiber Model for Progressive Collapse Analysis of Reinforced   Concrete Frames   The progressive collapse of the building structures due to accidents has become   a hot research topic of

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-15  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-15 1109人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

BOND-SLIP MODELS FOR FRP SHEET PLATE-TO-CONCRETE INTERFACES   A meso-scale finite element model is first presented for simulating the debonding   behavior of FRP-to-concrete bonded joints in simple sh

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-15  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-15 832人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

DESIGN PROPOSALS FOR THE DEBONDING STRENGTHS OF FRP   STRENGTHENED RC BEAMS IN THE CHINESE DESIGN CODE   Debonding failures are very common in FRP strengthened RC structures so they   must be carefull

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-15  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-15 879人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Distributed TLDs in RC fl oors and their vibration reduction effi ciency   A novel distributed tuned liquid damper (DTLD) for reducing vibration in   structures is proposed in this paper. The basic wo

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-15  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-15 1656人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Dynamic FEA and Simulation for A Series of Blast-Resist-door   A series of blast-resist-door were used widely. In order to know the behavior   of the doors under blast load and verify the safety of th

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-15  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-15 1120人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Earthquake Disaster Simulation for an Urban Area, with GIS, CAD, FEA   and VR Integration   For a disaster whose scale includes an urban area, it is difficult to study it with   physical experiments.

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-15  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-15 1115人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

ELASTIC-PLASTIC ANALYSIS OF RC SHEAR WALL USING   DISCRETE ELEMENT METHOD   An analytic method of RC structure using discrete element method is introduced   in this paper. The RC structures are meshed

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-15  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-15 1007人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF POST-YIELDING STIFFNESS   TO THE SEISMIC RESPONSE OF BUILDING STRUCTURES   The response dispersion of structures under strong earthquakes significantly   restricts the implem

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-15  

flyegg111 发表于2009-04-15 1080人浏览 1人跟帖    等级: 

Experimental research and finite element analysis of square concrete columns   confined by FRP sheets under uniaxial compression   In order to investigate the behavior of square concrete columns confi

最新回复:fogray  2009-04-15  
