[分享]罕见!! 科技园“还能”这样设计……

发表于2019-02-28     410人浏览     0人跟帖     总热度:103  

罕见!! 科技园“还能”这样设计……_1

Ateliers Jean Nouvel与OXO Architectes合作,在法国安提比斯的索非亚安蒂波利斯科技园完成了一项混合用途园区的竞赛设计。 “Ecotone Antibes”将成为科技园的主要入口,科技园是2,000多家公司的所在地。

Ateliers Jean Nouvel has collaborated with French practice OXO Architectes on a competition-winning design for a mountainous campus in the Sophia Antipolis technology park in Antibes, France. The “Ecotone Antibes” will serve as the main entrance to the technology park, which is home to over 2,000 companies.

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Described as a 21st-century campus for France, the 40,000-square-meter mountainous structure is covered in lush vegetation, containing offices, a hotel, amenities, and co-working spaces. The campus, a rare exercise in biomimicry for the South of France, sought to capture the site’s rich landscaped surroundings, translating a natural ethos to the hard, technological campus.

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-Jean Nouvel

How do we show the place, its hilly contours, its skylines, its trees, its terrain, and not work against these features? How do we create lasting attractiveness? Contextualist architecture, either through contrast or symbiosis, has a duty to answer those questions. How do we live, be, in Antibes, alongside the freeway, before the tollgate? How do we design the architecture so it’s part of the landscape?

-Jean Nouvel

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这个耗资5000万美元的方案由Nouvel设想为“21世纪的生态校园”,在自然和建筑环境之间创造了和谐,建筑形式和色彩与场地的生态区相呼应,成为一个受欢迎,有吸引力的公园入口。这个生态区由景观设计师Jean Mus设计,其设计将注重当地的地理和历史条件,并配以当代著名艺术家的委托作品。

Envisioned by Nouvel as an “ecological campus of the 21st century,” the $50 million scheme creates harmonies between the natural and built environment, with architectural forms and colors echoing the site’s biotope, serving as a welcoming, attractive entrance to the park. This biotope, with input from landscape architect Jean Mus, will be designed with attention to local geographic and historical conditions, adorned with commissioned works from renowned contemporary artists.

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-Jean Nouvel

Architecture maintains its privilege of creating the heritage of today and of tomorrow, as well as its capacity for generating attractiveness. The architects telling you this have already proved they know how to create poetry and attractiveness. Our client partners, for their part, have demonstrated their conscientiousness in ambitious, realistic projects. But it’s your confidence that will allow us to enrich Antibes through a superb creation that will make ‘Ecotone’, the ecological campus of the 21st century, a testimony to our era that’s visible to all.

-Jean Nouvel

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该方案是为Compagnie de Phalsbourg开发的,与Jean Foussat和景观设计师Jean Mus合作设计。

竞赛成功的消息是在Jean Nouvel庆祝了一系列里程碑之后,他的公司的53 West 53rd Street摩天大楼在纽约市拔地而起,充满活力的La Marseillaise在法国完工。

The scheme was developed for Compagnie de Phalsbourg and designed in collaboration with Jean Foussat, and landscape architect Jean Mus.

News of the competition success comes after Jean Nouvel celebrated a series of milestones, with his firm’s 53 West 53rd Street skyscraper topping out in New York City, and his vibrant La Marseillaise being completed in France.

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建筑师:Ateliers Jean Nouvel,OXO Architectes

地点:法国  安提比斯


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