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建於1965至76年間的沃吐巴教堂,坐落於維也納森林的邊緣,造型完全現代化。外觀由一堆形狀不一的混凝土塊和玻璃向上延伸,燈光便從這兒流洩出來,給人簡潔和震撼的印象,此乃雕刻家沃吐巴(Fritz Wotruba, 1905-75年)的傑作。從各...
哥倫布紀念塔為阿爾契(Rafael Arche)設計。1888年為萬國博覽會(Universal Exhibition)所建,就位在蘭布拉斯大道盡頭,左右兩條賓海大道也匯集於此。60米高塔頂端佇立著意氣風發的哥倫布雕像,為西班牙開啟航海霸權的這位深險家,...
上帝的建築—堪稱高第畢生代表作的聖家堂, 整體設計以大自然諸如洞穴、山脈、花草動物為靈感。他曾經說:「直線屬於人類,而曲線歸於上帝。」聖家堂的設計完全沒有直線和平面,而是以螺旋、錐形、雙曲線、拋物線各種變化組合成...
大樓的實際高度是265.5米,連同電訊桿的高度達274.9米。由國際享有聲譽的建築師約翰‧帕文(John Portman)設計,這個設計方案是該項建築計劃的設計競賽優勝作品。 這棟大樓原名為桃樹中心一期(One Peachtree Center),是...
威尔斯·费高广场位于休 士顿的商业中心区,有完善的交通工具处和全天候地下行人道系统连接。天蓝色的玻璃帷幕使大楼别具深度的感觉。大楼设有名为"天空大堂"(Sky Lobbies)的双层观景台给公众欣赏景观(有限定的开放时间)。大楼低...
Vesey Street Turnaround Battery Park, New York Multiple uses are anticipated for the proposed theater at Vesey Street Turnaround in Battery Park. And multiple interpretations are plausible. The proje
Ince Theater Culver City, California The Ince Theater is to be situated within an existing parking lot contained on three sides by existing structures at the eastern edge of a newly developed Culver C
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The Umbrella Culver City, California The Umbrella was originally designed as an outdoor performance balcony for the “Green Umbrella,” an experimental concert series put on by the Los Angeles Philharmo
Queens Museum of Art Queens, New York RECOLLECTING FORWARD The design strategy for the Queens Museum of Art uncovers the organizational strengths of the original building and simultaneously suggests
Mariinsky Cultural Center, New Holland St. Petersburg, Russia Samitaur Constructs, Developer St. Petersburg is not an assemblage of discrete buildings. Rather it is a chronology of monumental spaces
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José Vasconcelos Library of Mexico Mexico City, Mexico José Vasconcelos Library of Mexico – – Not Just A Building The National Library of Mexico City is not simply a significant addition to the city
Conjunctive Points Theater Complex Culver City, California The Conjunctive Points Theater Complex is a mixed-use development that will synergistically join art and technology through the creation of u
Guangzhou, China The city of Guangzhou is growing at an unprecedented rate, particularly in a southern direction toward the Pearl River. The site area of the new Guangdong Museum and Opera House offer
Gateway Art Tower Culver City, California The Gateway Art Tower will involve the demolition of 5,235 square feet of an existing 1940’s two-storey masonry building to be replaced with a new 1,486 squar
台北縣立十三行博物館 座落地點:台北縣八里鄉,台灣 建築設計:孫德鴻建築師事務所 完工時間:2002台北縣立十三行博物館-2台北縣立十三行博物館-3台北縣立十三行博物館-4台北縣立十三行博物館-5台北縣立十三行博物館-6台北縣立...