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面积为800,000平方英尺的这所医院,将为马山的其它医院提供医疗诊断服务,并接受由这些医院转院来的病人。医院拥有700张供急性病症和深切护理使用的病床,同时还作为地区性的护理教育中心。 这所医院的设计,从功能布局与协调一...
Like country hotels, residential homes lor the elderly are often conversions of large houses in extensive grounds The country hotel therefore suggested itself as a possible model for this new resident
Health planning is now a demanding Held in its own right—balancing capital costs materially affect medical procedures. But hospitals are also expected to symbolise care and offer hospice. Chased redev
The new Valley Children‘s Hospital transports kids and tlieir parents and siblings into ;i world of healing, raring, and learning. From the entry‘s lile-si/c topiary animals to the starlit patient roo
The interior and exterior of Health Central are blended to create a holistic design lor the building. Like the outside, the interior of the facility is designed to create a feeling of hospitality rath
The Kahi Mohala Psychiatric Hospital was the first piiv.iu-, free-standing psychiatric hospital to he constructed in Hawaii. The 88-bed facility ofTcrs comprehensive psychiatric services for children,
Expanded maternal and childcare needs in the region resulted in the design of a major addition and renovation for [lie Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. The new facility now accommodates a labor an
The Parkland Memorial Hospital complex was translonncd with the design and construction of a new building and major renovations. The building program changed the hospital‘s image from institutional to
The Methodist Hospital of Southern California provides a drama tit view of the San Gabriel Mountains. The five-story replacement bed tower consists of 138 private rooms, including 10 cardiac surgery I
The revitalization of the nursing center included a reduction of the existing 120-bed skilled nursing facility by 20 beds in order to accommodate new, vital program spaces. The first floor was transfo
The expansion and modernization of New York Presbyterian Hospital required a cost-effective solution and minimal disruption to the local community and hospital activities. The design captures the uniq
The vision for the BJC Health System campus integration plan is for the development of a patient-centered, world-class medical campus that integrates St, Louis‘ Barnes Hospital, Jewish Hospital, and C