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这所地区医院为华盛顿东部水果产区的四个区县提供医疗服务。医院平均每30年规模扩大一倍以上。NBBJ承接了该医院进一步扩建的设计任务,其中包括对医院两大主要组成部分的加建设计,以及对原医院一处主要建筑的改建设计。 在一个...
因斯科茨代尔中心医院的发展受到基地条件的限制,为满足市中心东北部约9英里处迅速发展的休闲阶层的就医需要,需兴建一所新的医院。 新医院基地占地面积为38.5英亩,一条干涸的河壑横穿基地并将其一分为二。为了达到在若干年内分...
The decision to move the University of Colorado‘s Health Sciences Center (UCHSC) from a cramped urban location to a former United States Army medical base has become the catalyst for creation of a $5
The existing Medical Center, a 14-story white metal-panel-clad tower, was built in the 1950s adjacent to Boston‘s Frederick Law Olmsted-designed Emerald Necklace and a low-scale neighborhood of primar
The existing Medical Center, a 14-story white metal-panel-clad tower, was built in the 1950s adjacent to Boston‘s Frederick Law Olmsted-designed Emerald Necklace and a low-scale neighborhood of primar
The Cambridge Health Alliance, dedicated to community health, is a unique model that integrates public health, clinical care, training, and research. Cambridge Hospital, the core facility of the allia
Located on the outskirts of Providence, this project‘s immediate surroundings include residential and industrial buildings. The existing Medical Center is a seven-story brick building with several ram
This addition to a 1920s hospital in rural Maine includes an underground ambulatory surgical unit and a new entrance lobby. The project is part of a larger plan that shifts the main entrance from the
This headquarters building for the Red Cross is part of the reconstruction plan for the city of Armenia following the 1999 earthquake, and consolidates the centre of the neighbourhood, relating it to
The intent of the master plan was to integrate land west of Broadway with the original hospital site, doubling the size of the campus and placing historic buildings at its center. Materials found in t
The development of a master plan for Athens Regional Medical Center takes the form of a family of projects. These projects restore the hospital‘s main entrance to historic Prince Avenue (the old Atlan
This new hospital, sited in a potato field in Maine‘s Aroostook County, is the culmination of a long effort to merge the strengths of two small hospitals in the town into one large healthcare institut
The Joslin Diabetes Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of people with diabetes and its complications through innovative care, education, and research that will lead to prevention and cure
Jordan Hospital sits amid historic Plymouth, site of the first permanent European settlement in New England, and now a fishing and tourist center with ship-related industries and cranberry-packing hou
Leonard Morse Hospital in Natick, Massachusetts, and the five healthcare projects presented with it were some of the first projects completed by our firm. They set a tone of architectural invention in
The first building completed by Frank Gehry in the United Kingdom, and one ot his smallest commissions, Maggie‘s Dundee is a therapy centre for cancer patients, built in the landscaped grounds of Dund