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This project forms a component in a larger strategy to remodel and extend the Royal Academy of Music campus, including recently completed internal interventions to the adjacent 1820s Grade I listed bu
时间:1962 地点:印度,艾哈迈巴德 印度管理学院的中心教学楼内有一栋主楼,一个图书馆和师生宿舍等若干辅助建筑。教学设施以一大型露天广场(现称路易斯·康广场)为中心修建。广场的一端为图书馆,另一端为教师办公室、行政办公...
时间:1950—1953 地点:美国,康涅狄格州 耶鲁大学美术馆是由艾杰敦·施瓦德沃特于1927~1928年间设计的美国最早的大学艺术馆。美术馆同时作为建筑系学生的活动场所,直至一位年轻的建筑师保罗·鲁道夫在与此建筑隔街相望的约克...
时间:1957~1964 地点:美国,宾西法尼亚州 作品位于费城宾州大学校园内,1957年开始设计,1964年建成。这个建筑有一个曲折的通廊,由医学和生物学两个部门资助,两者对环境的要求有很多不同。建筑中途遭遇了预算不足和项目要求...
The University of Southern Denmark, designed by Knud Holscher and Alan Tye in the 1970s and clad in red Cor-ten steel, is picturesque against the rugged Fyn landscape and an architectural landmark in
The twisted shapes and inclined facades of this high-profile building, nicknamed the ‘Black Diamond‘, have made it a landmark in Kobenhavn. The granite-clad diamond structure broadens the traditional
This building, which won the State Real Property Agency project of the year award in 1998, provides a new main focus for the University of Oulo, a thriving scientific university of around 14,500 stude
The library was built in a parallel commission with a new principal building for Vasteras University College, part of Malardalens University. As a result of their placement in the centre of the colleg
The Sami are a disparate people with a nomadic lifestyle dictated by their livelihood, reindeer husbandry. They reside mainly in Norway, but also inhabit parts of Sweden, Finland and Russia. Lands tha
时间:1993~2000 地点美国加利福尼亚州.波摩那(Pomona) 受波摩那标准学校的委托,摩弗西斯和托马斯·布罗若克(Thomas Blurock)事务所合作完成了钻石农场中学的设计工作。该项目占地14 000m2(约15万平方英尺),它模糊了建筑和景...
时间:1996~2000 地点:加拿大,安大略省多伦多 摩弗西斯长久以来挑战室内外空间、公共私密空间,尤其是社区和大学的界限的传统,这也是他的研究生住宅这个项目的设计策略。这个项目坐落于多大圣乔治校区的西北角,占地19500m2...
县林业文化科学研究院(gifu academy of forest science and culture)县林业文化科学研究院(gifu academy of forest science and culture)-2县林业文化科学研究院(gifu academy of forest science and culture)-3县林业文化科学研...
hakuou中学(hakuou high school)hakuou中学(hakuou high school)-2hakuou中学(hakuou high school)-3hakuou中学(hakuou high school)-4hakuou中学(hakuou high school)-5hakuou中学(hakuou high school)-6hakuou中学(hakuou hig...
时间:2003 地点科威特,科威特城 海湾战争之后,科威特警察学校亟需扩建,把原来75英亩的校区扩展到300英亩。目前,学校拥有占地lOO万平方英尺的17幢教学楼以及占地250万平方英尺的室外设施和附属设施。扩建后的学校可作为学员...
min ho小学(min ho elementary school)min ho小学(min ho elementary school)-2min ho小学(min ho elementary school)-3min ho小学(min ho elementary school)-4min ho小学(min ho elementary school)-5
min ho中学(min ho junior high school)min ho中学(min ho junior high school)-2min ho中学(min ho junior high school)-3min ho中学(min ho junior high school)-4min ho中学(min ho junior high school)-5min ho中学(min ho ...
浙江大学宁波理工学院图书馆浙江大学宁波理工学院图书馆(library for zhejiang university,ningpo campus)-2浙江大学宁波理工学院图书馆(library for zhejiang university,ningpo campus)-3浙江大学宁波理工学院图书馆(library ...
wenzheng学院图书馆苏州大学(wenzheng college library,suzhou university)wenzheng学院图书馆苏州大学(wenzheng college library,suzhou university)-2wenzheng学院图书馆苏州大学(wenzheng college library,suzhou university...